Classic Clapton

Sri Lanka March 2017


To read a review of After Midnight performing in Colombo, Sri Lanka go to :- DailyFT 

You can see more photos & videos on our Facebook page here:-

Sri Lanka FT Article

To watch a video of CLASSIC CLAPTON performing in COLOMBO click on the video screen below:-


Colombo concert

The Sri Lanka FT Newspaper printed this review of our show. The excellent article was written by Malik Gunatilleke. Photos by Nisal Baduge & Krishan Ranasinghe. Go to :- DailyFT 


An amazing experience - 10,000 miles in 5 days for one concert!

Park Street Mews

Park Street Mews, Colombo.

An excellent venue for our concert.

Newcastle airport

Well here we are at Newcastle Airport, another chapter in the history of

After Midnight. Only 5,000 miles to Sri Lanka.

View from Colombo Hotel

We woke up the following morning and this was the view from our hotel window in Colombo.

Cinnamon Lakeside Hotel

Our hotel was The Cinnamon Lakeside - quite spectacular.

Sound check

The sound check was very enjoyable.  Great technicians on sound and light.

Park Street Mews

Park Street Mews, the best place to socialise in Colombo.

Wonderful restaurants, bars and the excellent Stables venue.


Newcastle airport

Yet another delicious meal courtesy of our host Harpo. Paul Warren couldn't make the trip so his shoes were filled by Derek Miller who did a sterling job on keyboards.


Flame - support band

Finally it is show time and support band "Flame" take to the stage. 

They gave a fine performance.


Classic Clapton

It was soon obvious that this was going to be a very special gig.


Mike and Dave unplugged

Mike and Dave kicked off the second set with Before You Accuse Me (unplugged).


Colombo photo montage

The Sri Lanka FT Newspaper did a review of our show. More photos by Nisal Baduge & Krishan Ranasinghe. Go to :- DailyFT 


Colombo Audience

The audience really got into it and sang along with nearly every song.


Colombo Audience + band

The least we could do to show our appreciation was to give away posters and CD's.


Harpo & Dharshini


The main man Harpo and his wonderful assistant Dharshini.

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